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Are you looking for the perfect combinaison between sweet and sour ? Here is my version of the Lemon Meringue Pie.

Lemon Meringue Pie

For the Pie

  • 160 g farine
  • 85 g unsalted butter at room temperature
  • 30 g eggs
  • 15 g almond powder
  • 60 g powdered sugar

For the lemon curd

  • 4 lemons
  • 130 g sugar
  • 3 eggs
  • 20 g unsalted butter
  • 15 g cornflour

For the italian meringue

  • 90 g egg white
  • 180 g sugar
  • water

Pie dough

  1. Whipped the butter at room temperature with the icing  sugar

  2. Add the egg and continue to stir

  3. Finish by adding the almond powder and the flour and continue to stir with your hand now, until you create a dough ball.

  4. Put the dough in the fridge for at least an hour (you could completely do this part the day before to save time)

  5. When the dough is cool, pre heated the oven at 180°C

  6. Put some flour on your worktop and spread the dough in the size need for your plate

  7. Prick the dough and put it into your plate

  8. Blind bake for 20 to 25min until it appears golden

  9. Remove from the oven and leave to cool

Lemon Curd

  1. Whipped the eggs with the sugar

  2. Thanks to a grater, take some zest on the lemons and put them in the preparation with the lemon juice

  3. Finally, whipped the corn flour

  4. Put the preparation on a sauce pan and heat until it became thick. It’s very important to stir during all the cook to avoid the preparation to burn in the sauce pan

  5. Remove from the heat and had the butter cut in slices

  6. Whipped until everything is well combined and pour the lemon curd in our cold dough

  7. Leave to cool completely before doing the meringue

Italian meringue

  1. Put in a sauce pan the sugar and some water to cover it completely

  2. Put on low heat and put your thermometer inside to follow the cook of the syrup

  3. In the same time, put your egg whites in the food processor

  4. When the syrup is 114°C, begin to beat the egg whites until stiff thanks to your food processor

  5. When the syrup goes to 118°C, slow your food processor (just slow not stop) and add carefully and slowly the syrup (in a thin trickle)

  6. Increase the speed of your food processor and let it on until the meringue cool completely

  7. Once everything is ready, you just have to put your meringue on the pie thanks to a pastry bag or with a simple spatula.

  8. If you have welding torch, use it to caramelized a little bit the meringue on the top to end (if you don’t have one, you could put your pied in the oven for few minutes on grill mode on the top of the oven, only few minutes, it burns really fast)

I advice you to prepare and put the meringue on the top on the meringue just before serving it.

If you want to prepare it in advance, prepare the dough and the lemon curd and conserve everything in the fridge.

Finalise by adding the meringue.

The only thing you have to keep in mind is the dough will be less crusty is you store it in the fridge.

If you still have some pie after serving it to you could store it in the fridge in plastic wrap for 3 days maximum.