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Gingerbread cake recipe

The Gingerbread cake is always underestimated. As a child, the strong spices flavor was completely impossible for me. Usually really sweet as well, I was not the best ambassador for this recipe. 

Then, I just grow up and decided to taste a homemade one. The difference was incredible. Light and fluffy, with some salted butter spread on the top, I was brought back with gingerbread cake!

So, if you were used to not like it, maybe just try to bake yours 😉 Here is my version of this cake!


one cake

Prep time:


Cook time:


Resting time:



About this Recipe

The gingerbread is a really really old recipe. Our actual recipe seems to take his origin from China, in the 10th century, where they baked a honey bread with different aromatic plants for the horse riders of the emperor. Then, in Europe, it’s in Germany where we found the first mention of the gingerbread.

In France, the first baker who brought this recipe was situated in Reims city in the 14th century. Now, due to its proximity with Germany borders, it’s the region of Alsace that is really well known for its gingerbread.

  • 3/4 cup (250g) of honey
  • 2 cups + 1 tbsp (250g) of all-purpose flour
  • 1/3 cup (60g) of granulated sugar
  • 1/2 cup (110g) of milk
  • 1 egg
  • 1 bag of baking powder
  • 1 bag of vanilla sugar
  • 1 tsp of allspice
  • 1 tsp of cinnamon
  • 1 tsp of ginger powder
  • 1/2 tsp of grate nutmeg
  • A pinch of salt

Step by Step Instructions

Step 1

Start by preheating your oven at 160°C (320°F). Then, line your cake pan with butter and flour. You could also use some baking paper if your prefer.

Step 2

Pour in a mixing bowl your dry ingredients: all-purpose flour, baking powder, pinch of salt, sugar, vanilla sugar and the spices.

Then, warm a little bit your honey thanks to a microwave or in a pan.

Pour the warm milk in your dry ingredients and mix with a wooden spatula. Be careful with your honey to not burn yourself.

Step 3

When your elements are more or less combine, add the eggs and continue to stir.

Then, warm your milk and pour it as well in your mix.

Just stir with your spatula until everything is well combine.

To keep the right consistency, stir with a spatula and not a whisk.

Step 4

Pour your cake preparation in your cake pan previously prepared.

Place it in the oven preheat for 1h to 1h15.

Step 5

Let it cool completely before taking it off from the pan.

You could preserve it in an airtight box or plastic wrap for days.

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